God’s cure for cancer

This past Friday Cedar Point ran the Walk For A Cure at Nashua’s “Water Over the Dam Days” and had a great turnout.  It was a great time celebrating cancer survivors and caregivers, remembering those loved ones we’ve lost to cancer, as well as fighting back and raising cancer awareness.  We were able to raise $1300 which will go to the Eagles Cancer Telethon in Rochester, MN, to help fund cancer research.  You can look at some of the event photos at Cedar Point’s Flickr page (more will be uploaded later).

While I felt the event went well I couldn’t help but wonder what God thinks of cancer walks.  Cancer is a terrible disease that has taken many lives, and I in no way want to diminish the pain and loss people have gone through, but why aren’t there walks for plane or car crashes?  Why not walk for those who have drowned or kids who have died from SIDS?  Cancer is a form of death and the inescapable fact is we all die.  Death is a fact of life.  But cancer, along with every other form of death, is a result of sin.  When sin entered the world death came with it and brought cancer.  So while researchers continue to search for a cure for cancer, there is only one available cure  for sin and his name is Jesus.  He is the ultimate cure for every type of disease and illness. So with the usage of bulk buy viagra men around the world were resigned to the fact that Erectile dysfunction is a potential sign of some underlying heart disease. Under levitra generic usa the circumstances that you can embrace these foods in your daily diet. viagra buy australia It’s made from natural herbs with no side effects. However, if it is viagra on line order taken after a heavy meal before consuming sildenafil drug may delay the effects of the drug and hence should be avoided.  I know the pain and hurt cancer brings to families.  I had a brother and grandfather die to cancer.  But I also have seen the pain that divorce, and drinking, and selfishness can bring to families as well.  No amount of walking is going to cure those.  But when God gets ahold of someone’s heart and they sincerely decide that He is for real and they begin to follow Christ their life is transformed and cancer won’t be as much of an emotional issue anymore.  Will it still hurt when someone we love is gripped by this disease?  Absolutely!  We’re still human, and it’s always going to hurt when we lose someone we love.  But our faith and hope in Christ will bring comfort amidst those dark nights when we feel all alone and are searching for answers.  Will there ever be a cure for cancer?  That’s up to God to decide.  But while those who hope for one wait, I pray that they would take hold of the eternal cure that God offers now through his son Jesus Christ.  I think you’ll find it does the job just fine.

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