Point 180 Youth Group Kickoff

Just a quick shout out about our new Point 180 Youth Group that starts this Wednesday, September 7th.  Point 180’s purpose is to point youth to Christ in a fun environment designed just for students (5th grade – 12th grade), with music, games, and small groups where friendships can grow.  We want to see them do a 180 and start following Jesus.  “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation; the old has gone the new has come.”  – 2 Corinthians 5:17

There are three areas we’ll focus on in helping students in their journey with God: wonder, discovery, & passion.  We want all students to find “wonder” in the power and mystery of an amazing God who created everything, and who loves them and desires to be in a relationship with them.  We want students to “discover” the life changing forgiveness that God offers in a relationship with Him as well as who He has created them to be in light of His truth.  And finally, we want all students to unleash a “passion” for serving others, even around the world, in a way that God wants them to revealing Christ to those around them.  Wonder, discovery, & passion.

Our leaders are looking forward to what God has in store.  It all starts with a fall kickoff this Wednesday night, 6:30-8pm at the ISU Borlaug Learning Center and will meet every Wednesday after that.  There will be lots of fun special events along the way too.  So grab your friends and come check it out!

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