The B.E.L.L.S. — Missional Rhythm & Accountability

As those at Cedar Point know already, I have been thinking a lot about the church, the mission of God, and the countless calls in Scripture for Christians to look like Christ (some say the term ‘Christian’ originally meant ‘little Christs’ and was used as a negative slur but became a badge of honor to followers of Christ).  Since 2008 and feeling the call to plant a church I have hoped to see the church become more, more than most American Christians have settled for.  Countless authors and church leaders have felt the same, that the American church/Christians are not entirely what God had intended, evident by the church’s poor condition in society and rampant closing of doors.  So back to our founder we go…

I first came across the formula given by Alan Hirsch in his book The Forgotten Ways, which impacted me greatly, which goes as:  Christology →  Missiology →  Ecclesiology.  Our God/Christ is the one who determines the mission (God’s Mission) which then determines or shapes the church.  It is to say “the church doesn’t have a mission, but the mission has a church.”  Our God is a missionary God.  The Church is God’s tool in fulfilling His mission in the world “to seek and to save that which is lost” (Lk 19:10; 1 Tim 2:4).  Our churches need to be centered around God’s mission and the mission should shape everything we do.  At the same time we have been chosen as God’s ambassadors to the world to fulfill the mission.  Our lives should resemble our Christ.  As Christians the Living God resides within each of us through the Holy Spirit.  We reflect (or reflect poorly) the image and character of God to those around us.  If you are a follower of Christ, do people see Jesus when they look at you?

So to help those at Cedar Point engage in the mission of God and reflect Christ more fully I suggested we adopt the BELLS missional rhythm and accountability.  BELLS is an acronym from Michael Frost’s book EXILES and gives practical steps in becoming salt & light to our communities while aligning our lives to be more like Jesus.

The B.E.L.L.S. : Missional Rhythm / Accountability (adapted from Michael Frost’s book EXILES)

BLESSING—The Hebrew for “blessing” (barak) means “to empower to strength”.  We seek God’s blessing and pass that blessing on to others.  *Bless 1 person this week (preferably a non-Christ follower)

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LISTENING—We believe that God is capable of speaking to us.  We do not confine Him to any particular medium, but we try to be attentive to His voice, wherever and whenever it speaks.  *Take time to listen to God for 1 hour/week (listening, not talking)

LEARN—We desire to take on the image of God and to participate in His plan.  We seek out knowledge about God to help us to do this.  *Study Jesus’ life a little bit each week from the Gospels.  How did he live?  With whom did he interact?  What were his commands?  Then “go” live like Jesus did.

SENT—We are ambassadors who bear God’s image in the world.  Remind yourselves regularly that we are “sent” to participate in God’s activity and mission in the world.  *Take time each day to reflect on the question: “How have I worked with or resisted Jesus today?”

Living a missional life is not a new add-on, but a way of life focused on others and the mission of God.  Try the BELLS for a month and see how your life and others are changed.

2 thoughts on “The B.E.L.L.S. — Missional Rhythm & Accountability

  1. Pingback: Five Habits of Highly Missional People : | Dallas Baptist Association

  2. Pingback: A Rhythm of Life (Intro) – Eight is Enough

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