Jesus & Black Friday

Every year Thanksgiving’s festivities seem to be more and more the prequel to the real holiday of “Black Friday”.  As soon as the turkey has been stripped, the pumpkin pie sliced, and we’ve given thanks for our many blessings, the shopping ads cover the table in anticipation of tomorrow’s shopping frenzy.  And it seems to start earlier and earlier every year.  Some stores started lining their shelves with Christmas decorations as Halloween pumpkins and costumes were coming out.  Our television shows began to be interrupted with upcoming “Black Friday” specials and deals (though I’ll have to admit I laugh every time that crazy Target shopping lady comes on with her stretching and exercising getting ready for the big day).  This year retailers even felt they couldn’t wait until “Black Friday” but many sales began Thursday evening.  But I say all of this to ask: “What is your reason for celebrating Christmas?”

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those “anti-present” people who think that having material stuff is wrong.  God created things for us to enjoy.  My wife and I actually had most of our Christmas shopping completed before Thanksgiving this year.  We’ve learned that waiting until the last minute it not healthy for our pocketbook.  But buying gifts for one another is simply one small tradition that has been added to the true meaning of Christmas.  There would be no “Black Friday” for retailers to get their balance sheets out of the red and for us consumers to get excited about if it weren’t for that first gift that God sent to earth in the form of a baby.

Think of all the wonderful things that happen during this time of year: the excitement of buying gifts for people you love, the fun of seeing family members get together, children and adults singing Christmas carols, the stringing up of lights for others to enjoy, and on and on and on.  There are so many traditions and things we enjoy during the Christmas Season, but none of it would have ever came to be if it weren’t for Jesus and the gift that God offers through his son.

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For those who have already accepted this gift, don’t ever take it for granted.  Live every day as if you’ve just received it.  And for those who haven’t experienced it yet, all I can say to you is don’t leave it unopened.  Speaking from personal experience of being on both sides of the story, it’s the greatest gift you could ever receive.  Don’t leave it unopened.  As you get ready for December 25th pause and ask yourself “What is my reason for celebrating Christmas?”  So from myself and the rest of us at Cedar Point Church, we truly hope that you and your family experience the joy of God’s greatest gift this Christmas season!


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