Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Millions of us have watched and laughed along as Jeff Foxworthy wittingly pokes fun at adults who try to prove their intellectual prowess over school-age children on Fox Network’s game show “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?”  As we play along it seems like it should be an easy enough task to remember the things we learned in grade school, but only two people, Kathy Cox and George Smoot, have been lucky enough to claim the $1,000,000 prize and escaped admitting that they “are not smarter than a 5th grader.”

Games like Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit make my head hurt.  I’ve always liked to keep things simple.  While I do love learning new things and reading a lot, having a title in front of my name or climbing the educational ladder isn’t an overly huge concern of mine.  Maybe someday in the future, but I don’t tend to get excited about the idea of pursuing a Master’s degree or PhD.  Because actually, acquiring knowledge for the simple purpose of acquiring it is dangerous if it doesn’t change the way you live.

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So stop and think about your life.  Where or when have you ever gained a bit of knowledge but it never changed the way you live, you never acted on it?  God’s word teaches that when we “know the good we ought to do and don’t do it, it is sin” (James 4:17).   If someone discovered a cure for cancer but never shared it with the world we wouldn’t think very highly of that person.  It’s the same in all areas of life; with greater knowledge comes greater accountability.

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