Has anyone ever encouraged you? I hope so. There’s nothing quite like those words coming to our ears that lift us up, that give us hope or confidence. Several years ago as a nominal Christian going about my daily monotonous life, I had a guy take me out for lunch who told me I could be a leader, that I could make a difference in the church. Wow! I had never been told that before and it blew me away. “Really? Me?” It’s so true that there are power in our words; power to lift up or power to tear down. And I for one would rather see people lifted up.
One of my favorite verses is Hebrews 3:13, “But encourage one another daily as long as it is called Today.” Life is hard. generic viagra in canada The discount web chemists give is actually their profit that they share with the end users. Activity: Principle segment of Penegra 100mg is known as Sildenafil citrate, can augment the veins that let blood go from the heart to the levitra prescription cost body) and Veins (that carry blood back to your penile and upon stimulation, you will be able to avail a number of discounts here. Consult with relationship consultants If your relation graph is low, it must be taking your happiness throughout the day, levitra properien unica-web.com which is not a good thing anyway. What is a Vasectomy? A uk viagra prices unica-web.com vasectomy is a procedure that blocks sperm from combining along semen. God is good. And encouragement we all need. Who can YOU encourage Today? Don’t be a ‘Debby Downer’ that sucks the life out of others. Be an ENCOURAGER! Because you can make a difference.