Let’s Finish Strong!

IMG_0432As we close out 2014 there are 3 things we need to remember to do in order to finish strong:

1. Invite!  Your friends who don’t know Jesus need Jesus!  Everybody goes to church on Christmas.  Use it as an opportunity to invite your family and friends to our Christmas Eve-Eve Service next Tuesday night.  Grab some of our postcards this Sunday and INVITE!

2. Be generous with your year-end giving!  God has done some amazing things this past year in and through Cedar Point, and in 2015 He’s asking us to have an even BIGGER faith.  We want to see more people take the step of following Jesus.  Let’s not allow finances to keep us from reaching more people with the Good News of Christ!

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I am proud to be the pastor of such a great group of Christ followers! Here’s looking forward to what God has in store for 2015.  Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Pastor Darin

The One Who Had Come

Nativity Wallpaper‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through my town, the hustle and bustle could be seen all around. While they shopped ‘til they dropped, with Black Friday flyers in hand, they bought and they bought, as is the law of the land. While the lights were being hung, the holiday cards were going out, and my heart suddenly wondered, “Do they know what Christmas is about?” In the midst of baking, sledding and fun, had they missed the point, of the One who had come? Continue reading