What ever happened to hard work?
The generations have changed. There’s been a shift in our culture that is a bit discouraging. There’s been a shift from the gratification and tremendous feeling of knowing that you’ve worked hard in order to earn something to a lazy, entitlement, “you deserve a break today” mindset. We now live in a microwave, fast-food, streaming, 80Mbps, instant gratification, video gaming day and age where the goal is to work our way out of work; Friday night is the goal, lazy days on the beach are the goal, retirement is the goal. Many people have given up on work.
And it’s not just trying to work our way out of working hard in our jobs, but it’s extended to every area of life. We view work as something that only the lower class should do. Therefore we don’t put in the work of raising our kids, managing our finances, strengthening our marriages, and building our families. Work has quite literally become a dirty word, and that mindset Continue reading