Matthew 5:16 says, “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” As we get ready to close out 2016 here are three things we need to do as followers of Christ to let His light shine:
1. Share it! We share all kinds of things every day through social media. Whenever ‘good news’ happens you share it. Use our Christmas Eve-Eve Service as an opportunity to invite your family and friends to church so they can hear about the greatest news ever shared; that God sent us a Savior! Your friends who don’t know Jesus need Jesus! Share our event on Facebook and INVITE!
2. Be generous! Our Heavenly Father is a giver! God has done some amazing things this past year in and through Cedar Point, and in 2017 He’s asking us to continue to GROW in our faith and generosity. We want to see more people take the step of following Jesus. Let’s not allow finances to keep us from reaching more people with the Good News of Christ! Be generous in your year-end giving and to those around you this Christmas.
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I am so proud to be able to pastor such a great group of Christ followers! Here’s looking forward to what God has in store for 2017. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Pastor D