The Myth of Baptism

This past month I’ve had a couple different people ask me about baptizing their children.  One was an old high school friend who grew up in the Catholic church but doesn’t really attend anymore.  But since he knew me he thought I could just baptize their kids.  The other was a mother in her forties, an old classmate of my sister’s, who stopped in my office to see if I could possibly baptize her older kids.  She said they had never done it and she really wanted to see them baptized.

And honestly, it all really makes me kind of sad.  First of all, sad to think that so few people who would call themselves Christians really don’t know what God’s word says.  I grew up in the Lutheran church and have come to respect greatly what Martin Luther did for the church (though he kind of went off his rocker later in life).  One of Luther’s greatest achievements was to get the Scriptures, God’s word, into the hands of ordinary people so that we could read and understand it for ourselves without having to depend upon the interpretation of priests.  Yet so few people today take advantage of it and that is one of the greatest travesties of American Christianity.  I will be the first to say don’t ever take my preaching or teaching (or anyone else’s for that matter)  for granted, but read the Bible for yourselves!

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And really baptism isn’t what saves us from an eternity in hell.  While an extremely important step in following Christ it isn’t the “magic bullet” that gets us in.  They didn’t pull the thief on the cross next to Jesus down and dunk him in some water and yet Jesus said to him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Lk 23:43).  The thief is in heaven and he wasn’t baptized!    What saves us, or makes us right in God’s eyes, justifies us, is our own personal faith in Jesus Christ alone.  Another idea that Luther got right by reading the book of Romans.  It’s personal.  It’s our decision to make, not our parents.  A few weeks ago I had the priveledge of baptizing six people, both old and young, in the Little Cedar because they had made the personal decision to follow Christ as their Lord and Savior and wanted to unashamedly identify themselves as his followers. As parents it’s our responsibility to raise our children in a way that is pleasing and honoring to God so that they can make their own choices to hopefully do the same.  And that I hope you do.

1 thought on “The Myth of Baptism

  1. Dear Darin,
    Thank you for sharing your heart and the Scripture on this important subject. It’s every believing parent’s hope and prayer that their child/children will accept Christ as Savior and then be baptized, in that order; and so true that as parents we cannot do this for them. . .it has to be a personal decision. God bless your ministry at Cedar Point Church and may there be many, many more decisions for Christ as you faithfully preach His Word!
    In Christ,
    Linda Rabbitt

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