About Me

Hi, I’m Darin, the Lead Pastor of Cedar Point Church.

I grew up attending church in Nashua all of my life but it never really meant that much to me.  I believed in God but it didn’t impact the way I lived. I did some crazy things when I was younger but still would’ve claimed to be a “Christian” if asked.

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Scared out of my mind we packed up and moved to Georgia never expecting to return. But I am excited and grateful that He has brought us back to Nashua, IA. While my life is by no means perfect, I hope that my faith is evident by the way I live my life and I long to be the husband, father, and man of God He has called me to be.

That is also my desire for everyone else. Just like God, I long to see people living in the freedom found in knowing and following Jesus. He has the power to transform lives and set you free from sin and the past. There is nothing he can’t overcome, if you trust him. My life was transformed by Christ. I want to see others transformed as well!

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