The Lost Art of Philoxenia: Christian Hospitality

When we think of “hospitality”, what comes to mind?  Entertaining family and friends?  Martha Stewart?  A painstaking chore?  Something done by only a few, with no lasting consequences?  Over the last few decades we have lost a Biblical understanding of the holistic impact of Christian hospitality.  Martha Stewart didn’t invent hospitality. More radical still, she hasn’t perfected it either. Hospitality as presented in the Bible is not merely a practice. Instead, it is a way of life in view of the coming of God’s Kingdom.

Throughout the entire Bible God demonstrates and commands his followers to practice hospitality.  Our English word “hospitality” comes from the Greek word philoxenia which is from two root words xenia meaning foreigner or stranger and the word philo which means love. In other words we are to show love to strangers, hospitality to others.  So what do you do to show hospitality to others?  How do you show love to strangers?

In his book Outlive Your Life, Max Lucado writes:

“Long before the church had pulpits and baptisteries, she had kitchens and dinner tables. Continue reading

Don’t Forget Adley


My wife Deedie talking with Adley

On January 12, 2010 the small Caribbean country of Haiti was hit with a cataclysmic level 7.0 earthquake sixteen miles west of its capital city Port-au-Prince near the city of Léogâne.  The world was shocked as reports came in of an estimated 316,000 dead and over 1 million now homeless.  As the people of Haiti stammered to put their lives back together aid from numerous countries started to pour in.

Two and a half years later Haiti still struggles to get back to normal.  This past month my wife and I traveled to Léogâne to help Samaritan’s Purse with the construction efforts of an orphanage that will eventually house and school 100 children.  Continue reading

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Millions of us have watched and laughed along as Jeff Foxworthy wittingly pokes fun at adults who try to prove their intellectual prowess over school-age children on Fox Network’s game show “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?”  As we play along it seems like it should be an easy enough task to remember the things we learned in grade school, but only two people, Kathy Cox and George Smoot, have been lucky enough to claim the $1,000,000 prize and escaped admitting that they “are not smarter than a 5th grader.”

Games like Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit make my head hurt.  Continue reading

I hate reading the biblical prophets!

Okay, maybe ‘hate’ isn’t the right word, but my MS Word thesaurus didn’t produce any synonyms I thought fit well.  Instead, maybe, I ache or am sickened when I read through the biblical prophets.  Way too many of them took God’s message to His people, quite often a message of repentance, and the people seldom repented.  Jeremiah, who is often referred to as ‘the weeping prophet,’ never saw a single person turn to God, and I think to myself, “What if I’m another Jeremiah?”  Does anyone care about God anymore?  I hate reading the prophets!

  • They followed God, while no one else did.
  • They delivered God’s message, while no one listened.
  • They informed people of God’s righteous decrees, but no one cared.
  • They told people to build God’s Kingdom, but the people toiled to build their own.
  • They warned people of God’s coming judgment, and it’s still coming…

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So has anything changed today?


Decisions, decisions, decisions

Decisions, decisions, decisions.  Who really likes making them anyway?  For some people they come naturally.  Yet for others, a trip to the dentist office would be an easier endeavor.  But we all face them.  Every single day we’re each confronted with multiple decisions that have to be made.  Some are rather simple like “Should I really brush my teeth?”  While others, “Should I quit my job?” have a little more impact upon our lives.  But regardless of what they may be, our decisions shape who we become as individuals.

As I sit in my office preparing to write a Father’s Day sermon I’m quickly reminded of all the decisions that not only fathers have to make but all parents.  We are bombarded every day with decisions that not only affect our lives but the lives of our children and families.  And I feel that because of society, when we as parents are trying to follow Jesus, those decisions become even harder to make.  Though following Christ is filled with blessings and joy that I would never trade away, no one said it would be easy.  But I find myself wanting what is easy.  I wrestle with giving in to the easy road when things don’t go my way or what I expect to happen.  Easy is always more comfortable and filled with less headache.  But I have to stop and ask myself, “What do my kids see in my decisions?  When I run from things that get hard and choose the ‘easy road’ what kind of character does that build in my sons or daughters?”

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“Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

A couple weeks ago I preached that if we are going to be a church that lives out the mission of God then we as individuals need to be first and foremost absolutely committed to Christ.  If Christ is first in your life decisions become easier and the little things that bother you won’t matter as much.  If Christ is first you will do things for him that you would never do for someone else.  Even though others want to pull you over to their side of the road, when Christ is first, making the decision to choose the narrow gate, though it may seem harder, becomes easier because you know where it leads, and you, your family, and those around you will be better off because of your decisions.

Give up already!

If you’ve ever been rescued you know there’s no other feeling in the world quite like it.  The exuberance, the gratitude, the enormous feeling of relief can be overwhelming.  But in order to be rescued you have to be in need of rescuing.

The problem is many of us are in need of rescuing.

Some of us are lost and don’t even know it.  Or we know it but believe the lie that dealing with it will hurt more than ignoring it.  We’ve become master illusionists.  We’ve learned how to patch duct tape on the holes in our lives in order to stay afloat.  But our lives are nothing more than facades in which we hide behind our true selves, our brokenness, our pain and heartache.
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Day after day we look for ways to pull it all together when actually we need to give up.  Please, give up, quit the charades and let God rescue you!  Throw the duct tape away and let His truth set you free.


“The Greatest” Paradox

I recently read an article on leadership and the need for godly ambition.  While it stated some things that I didn’t totally agree with (that it’s okay to be seen as arrogant if it’s coupled with ambition) I would agree that we as Christ-followers need to be ambitious in our faith.  Not only do we need to put in work to grow in our faith so that we do not become stagnant Christians, but Christ has given his followers a task to fulfill, to ‘go and make disciples’ (Matthew 28:19-20).

So what does “godly ambition” look like?  My wife and I have four children and our youngest, Kelly, who is two now, is at the stage where she constantly follows people around copying what they do.  Most often you’ll find her following her older brother who is three doing everything he does, whether it’s talking, jumping, or climbing the kitchen cabinets.  She wants to be just like her big brother.  But how often do we as Christians find ourselves doing the same thing with Jesus?  I think I’m safe in guessing not as often as we should.

Right? What’s the reason behind it? It is decreased sildenafil tablets without prescription libido (low sensual desires) that stops your mind to no longer be a victim, but to be victorious. Hence this herb is used in vajikarana Preparations In charaka samhita acharya charaka explains the method of preparing purchase generic levitra Vajikarana Ghrita (ghee processed with aphrodisiac herbs). Online viagra canada no prescription pharmacies operate at a low cost. The sildamax maintains high rate of blood circulation responsibility undertaken by this tadalafil from canada drug. Following Christ is not exactly an easy thing to do.  If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.  But God’s Word teaches that in order to be like him we must deny ourselves, that we must think of others first, that we should even carry others’ burdens, and that just doesn’t come naturally for any of us.  Americans, or humans for that matter, have a huge inferiority complex.  We don’t like being considered as someone’s servant.  Even three of the four gospels record stories of the twelve disciples arguing about which one of them was the greatest.  Mark even places the story after the Lord’s Supper just moments before Jesus was arrested.  So here are twelve men who have spent a little over three years with Jesus.  They’ve walked with him, listened to his teaching, witnessed firsthand the many miracles, watched how he interacted with people, and they still didn’t get it!  But Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all” (Mark 9:35).  Being the greatest means being the least.

So look at your home, your workplace, even your church.  Who are the “greatest” among you according to God’s standards?  How many people do you know who put others ahead of themselves?  Are you one of those people?  As a pastor I’ve learned that many people will easily give a complaint, few are willing to give a solution.  If you are a follower of Christ the places you live, work, and worship should be better places because you are there.  If there’s a problem you should find a way to be part of the remedy.  The presence of God living in and through you should improve the people and situations around you as you learn to put others ahead of yourself just as Christ did.  It’s a paradox that’s hard to grasp, but as we look to God’s Word for how to live I hope we’ll begin to see lives transformed.

The Gospel of the Kingdom vs. the Gospel of Atonement

I believe the church today is filled with fans of Jesus, but very few followers of Jesus, people who he would call a disciple.  At Cedar Point Church we put a huge emphasis on “living missionally” as followers of Christ.  Simply put, it is actively living on mission with God fulfilling the command that he gave his followers to “go and make disciples” (Mt. 28:19; Acts 1:8).  So for the followers of Christ, those who call themselves Christians, to actually “live missionally”, it’s important to understand what the biblical definition of a disciple is and what they do.  We need to understand what it is Jesus wants us to make.  But in order to get to that point we first need to have a better understanding If you too are shy person that hesitate sharing this problem with the partner, the information provided here is only for introduction of the medicine not use of the medicine as directed by the physician. canadian pharmacy viagra For example, if the ulcer has viagra in the usa occurred due to direct response mechanisms in the testicles upon administration of the penile region & thus it leads for the efficient flow of the blood along the male reproductive organ. The effects are rapid and can last for around 4 hours, provided you are sexually excited. tadalafil in canada If, buy cheap levitra this fails you really need to talk to your doctor in order to get the medication. of the gospel, the “good news” that begins the discipleship process in each of us.

A friend of mine recently posted a link to an interview with Dallas Willard, former pastor, well known Christian author, and current professor of philosophy at the University of Southern California.  The article, titled The Gospel of the Kingdom, covers many topics but particularly the preaching and teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom versus the gospel of atonement and its affects upon Christians.  For me it was rather eye-opening, and I would presume even more so for those who have grown up only hearing the gospel of atonement.  Please take some time to read the article.  I hope you walk away with a fuller understanding of what Christ came to preach: The Gospel of the Kingdom (Mt. 4:23).

Sacrilege: Finding Life in the Unorthodox Ways of Jesus

Hugh Halter: “The Art of Subtle Wooing: Winning the World Through Meekness” (Excerpt, Chapter 6)

Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:5

The Power of Posture

Words tell people what we think, but our actions, our facial expressions, our touch, or our general “posture” tells people what we actually feel. And this is the power of Jesus to win the hearts of people. When the woman was caught in adultery, Jesus postured himself as an advocate for her, kneeling down beside her as she was stooped over under the condemnation of the pious. When Jesus quietly allowed Mary to pour valuable perfumed oil over His head while skeptics belittled her, He was communicating His compassion for this woman. When he turned tables over by the temple, the sound of crashing trinkets and the look on his face communicated far more powerfully than the words people heard him mutter. As He reclined at Levi’s table, laughing and enjoying dinner with the outcasts, people picked up on his inclusive love. Most starkly, the fact that Jesus lived in the neighborhood for 30 years without letting people know He was their Savior, their Messiah, their God, and instead just lived with them, celebrated with them, and mourned with them, is astounding. His voice and words would someday, in the right timing, cut their hearts to the core, but His ability to draw a crowd and win the crowd was based on His beautiful posture, his nonverbals. And we would do well to live the same way.

In the book of Philippians, Paul encourages us to be like Jesus, who—though being all-powerful—intentionally chose not to force the issue with us or force dogma down our throats. Instead He chose to live among us, love us, show us and teach us about how to live life in His new kingdom. It’s incredible that in the three years of His ministry recorded in Scripture, we don’t see Him aggressively trying to convert anyone. He just seemed to wait for them to come to him. This is the power of godly posture.

To me, this is all the proof I need that God doesn’t want us to stick up for him, confound the unchurched with our right doctrine, or belittle them with attempts to be morally superior. Jesus is teaching us to stop trying to convert people and begin wooing them to His kingdom way of life through the meekness of our way. Meekness will cause us to be dignified and in turn dignify the spiritual journeys of others. Meekness will compel us to respect others, listen to them, and acknowledge the things that turn them off about Christians, especially if they’ve had a few run-ins with fundies. Meekness by its very definition communicates to people an authentic belief that we aren’t any better than they are—really!—and that we only know what we know and have changed because God pursued us, saved us, helped us, and loved us.

Yes, Jesus did teach about the need to be born again spiritually. He did confront people with their need to repent of sin. And so will we . . . if we win their hearts through the power of meekness. With meekness, evangelism and our heartfelt desire to see our friends find Jesus become like one homeless person helping another homeless person find a warm bed for the night.

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So here’s a real switcheroo. Evangelicals need to learn that the earliest and most prolific communities of Jesus followers, who saw literally thousands of their friends come to faith in one day and who turned entire cities around for Jesus, were not, as a general rule, aggressive toward the culture. Instead they simply waited for people to come with their curiosity and questions. In 1 Peter 3:15-16, Peter said, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.”

We should ask ourselves, “Is anyone asking me about my life or my faith?” If not, I think Jesus would say, “Then you’re not living out the level of love I called you to in this life.” Often we think people’s lack of spiritual response is because they just don’t want to find God. More often, I have found, the real problem is that we just don’t live enough like Jesus yet. Think about this. In early New Testament times, the most religious people, the Pharisees, were highly evangelistic, sometimes sailing across far seas to win one convert. But here is what Jesus said to them in Matthew 23:15: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.”

Conversion isn’t just about helping someone find faith. Yes, it includes this, but when people focus all their efforts on getting people “saved,” they communicate only a small part of the Good News. All too often we are like egomaniacs wanting to turn converts into evangelists, like a giant pyramid scheme where the main goal of the corporation is to multiply and get more warm bodies in the door. But Jesus does not need any more arrogant soul-winners who go out to make more arrogant soul-winners. Jesus wants us to point people to who He really was—a man of humility and love—then allow that image to change them in whatever way God wants. It is not a cookie-cutter operation. The Good News is that every person has a story, and the way Jesus enters each story is highly unique and individual. The process may take years to complete, with fits of starts and stops and doubts along the way. God never meant for us to sign people up with a quick prayer, a contract, and a pat on the back. He intended for us to love and journey with others in their walk toward and with Jesus. This isn’t about a duty to be performed; it is about a relationship to be explored.

Jesus’ own apprentices at first didn’t get His lesson about approaching others with humility. In Luke 9, the disciples were in a fight over who was the greatest dude among them, which Jesus basically dismissed by saying, “It is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest” (v. 48), which probably didn’t sound like a lot of fun to them. Then Jesus sent word to the Samaritans that he was coming through town, but the Samaritans didn’t respond favorably. So what did these self-focused, power-hungry apprentices do? They asked Jesus, like the tough guys they wanted to be, a question I can only hear in my head as sounding like one of the Sopranos: “Yo, Jesus! You wanna we should call down fire on dose blasted pagan half-breeds?”

And they asked this right after Christ’s little lesson on humility.

You have to wonder if Jesus hit His forehead and thought, “Oy veh!” There’s no biblical record of that, but Luke does record that Jesus rebuked them for their attitude of assumed superiority (see Luke 9:51–56).

(What kind of posture do you present to those around you?)

Jesus on a John Deere

The stories of Christmas & Easter go together.  It’s hard to celebrate one without thinking of the other.  Jesus was born to solve the relationship problem that we all have with our Creator, God.  Sin has separated us from everything that God wants for us and Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection has made it possible to fix that relationship.  When Jesus died on the cross the curtain between the outer courts and the Holy of Holies, the thing that separated the common person from entering into the very presence of God, was torn in two.  Through Christ’s death we now have access to God, and for those who have accepted this gift God offers through Christ, we can now enter into that presence with boldness and confidence.  No need for a priest or any other intermediary to go to God.

Yet I find that many Christians tend to get out their needle and thread and sew the curtain back together.  Churches or denominations put barriers back between man and God that He never intended to be there.  “You can worship with us only if you worship our way.  You can join our church only if you leave your sin at home and never bring it up here.  You need to dress a certain way, act a certain way, look a certain way, and talk a certain way.  You can …” and the list goes on and on.  It’s amazing the meaningless and insignificant criteria we put on people in order to follow God.

Hugh Halter in his book Sacrilege paints an interesting story of Jesus doing away with religion and clearing the way to God .

“If I were a filmmaker I would create a scene where Jesus drives a huge bulldozer up the hill toward the   temple and rips down every wall while beeping his huge horn at all the priests and Levites, who would be angrily waving their hands at him.  Ignoring them, he’d keep on cutting a huge pathway all the way up to the front door of the holy place.  All the peasants would be squinting to look through the plume of dust and rubble as they winessed Jesus put the dozer into second gear, ram up the huge stairs, and blast through the massive wooden doors.  And as the high priest ran for his life, Jesus would haul it into the place the people had only dreamed of seeing–the presence of God.

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Although the religious barriers would have been removed, the pure in heart, in my imaginary scene, would be standing motionless–mouths open, eyes as big as Frisbees, wondering what this now means for them.  Then Jesus, the new King and High Priest, would climb off the John Deere, take his goggles off, run back down the hill, and grab little kids by the hands.  He’d put his arm around the prostitutes; he’d pick the beggars up off the ground and summon every person he could find.  ‘Come on, you who have been trying to find the real God.  Follow me.’  Picture all those people sheepishly but gratefully walking with Jesus.  These people are the pure in heart.

Who’s not the pure in heart?  All the people who were ticked that Jesus just destroyed their religious constructs, who liked the status quo, who enjoyed creating and propping up their sanctimonious spiritual walls.

Then he hands them a key–the key to the tractor that bears the label ‘ministry of reconciliation.’  People of Jesus, peasants of reconciliation, are those who no longer look at a person’s gender, age, color, or attire.  They don’t care about their denominational affiliation, church background, or sinful behavior.  The ministry of reconciling requires that we stop looking at the cover of the book and see the painful storied pages of each person’s life as a whole, understanding that their behavior is only the symptom of a sin-ravaged world.  As we transcend judgment with understanding and trust in God’s ability to know a person’s heart, we will be living out our calling as God’s people. (Sacrilege 157-58)”

What are you doing to tear down the walls that man has built up so that people can find God?