CPC Annual Report 2019

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Annual reports are a great way to reflect upon all that God has done. Each year when I sit down to write one I am always amazed at what God has done over the course of a year. Cedar Point began in July of 2010. It hasn’t always been easy, but God has done some incredible things through the people who call CPC their church home.

This Annual Report (download below) is an opportunity to keep our eye on the things that matter. As we have often said: behind every statistic is a story. I think you’ll be informed and inspired by this year’s edition. There’s some good stuff in here! We have grown in many ways, and at the same time, have plenty of room for improvement. Hopefully you’ll be able to relive some of the great moments that were special to you, and rejoice in the miracles we experienced together last year.

To God be the glory… for the great things He has done!

Serving Him together,



I’ve often been described as a pretty passionate guy. I can get worked up or emotional about things that are important to me. But that wasn’t always the case.

If you were to look up the word “passion” in the dictionary you’ll discover two definitions. The first is defined as a “strong and barely controllable emotion.” This is what you see in people; you see their passion or love for someone or something.  You see it in what they do, what they say, how they react to certain things.  Their passion drives them to live a certain way.

The second definition of passion is this: Continue reading

This One Truth Saved My Life

“I don’t like it when pastors say things like that.”

“Say things like what?”

“That just because someone was baptized as a baby they’re now in heaven.”

“Why don’t you like that?”

“Because it’s not true.”

“What do you mean it’s not true? That’s what I’ve believed my whole life.”

“You may believe it, but it’s not in the Bible, and it’s not true.”


That was pretty much my conversation with my fiancée as a twenty-three year old while driving away from my grandfather’s funeral in 1997.

My soon-to-be wife and I were in Wisconsin snowmobiling that February when we got word that my grandfather had passed away. So we loaded up the sleds and headed home to be with my family.

A few days later my grandfather’s funeral took place at one of the churches in our town, which to be honest, I found a bit odd.

Continue reading

Let His Light Shine!

Matthew 5:16 says, “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good img_8476deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  As we get ready to close out 2016 here are three things we need to do as followers of Christ to let His light shine:

1. Share it!  We share all kinds of things every day through social media. Whenever ‘good news’ happens you share it. Use our Christmas Eve-Eve Service as an opportunity to invite your family and friends to church so they can hear about the greatest news ever shared; that God sent us a Savior!  Your friends who don’t know Jesus need Jesus! Share our event on Facebook and INVITE!

2. Be generous!  Our Heavenly Father is a giver! God has done some amazing things this past year in and through Cedar Point, and in 2017 He’s asking us to continue to GROW in our faith and generosity.  We want to see more people take the step of following Jesus.  Let’s not allow finances to keep us from reaching more people with the Good News of Christ! Be generous in your year-end giving and to those around you this Christmas.

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I am so proud to be able to pastor such a great group of Christ followers! Here’s looking forward to what God has in store for 2017.  Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Pastor D

“When are they going to recite the Apostles’ Creed?”

For whatever reason this has been coming up a lot lately for me: “I grew up in apostlescreedsuch-and-such church, but yours doesn’t do all the typical readings.”  And I know all too well what they’re saying and why they’re saying it.  I’ve been there.  I grew up in a Lutheran church and can still yet today recite the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds.  I remember my first time going to a ‘non-liturgical’ church (like Cedar Point) and asking my girlfriend, “When are they going to recite the Apostle’s Creed?”  At first it drove me crazy because all they did was sing (a whole lot) and listen to a sermon.  They didn’t even say the Lord’s Prayer.  But I’ll never forget walking away from that experience knowing one thing: yes, it wasn’t church the way I was used to, but man do they love Jesus!

You see, there’s nothing wrong with liturgy and reciting certain things.  But for me, those things didn’t mean anything to me.  It was just something we did, like at a football game… “stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!”  There’s nothing wrong with reciting the Lord’s Prayer, though that’s not what Jesus had intended for us to do.  In Matthew 6:9ff, Jesus never said, “This then is what you should pray.”  He said, “This then is how you should pray.”  Not what, but how.  It was a model prayer meant to teach us how to pray.

And personally, I believe God would rather Continue reading

This Weekend: Make It Count!

“We implore you on Christ’s behalf…”

The Christian ‘Super Bowl’ is this Sunday.  There is no greater day in the Christian faith than Easter.  Without Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his rising from the tomb we’d still be dead in our sins and separated from God.  But thank God for Jesus!

For those of us who already know Christ as Lord & Savior Easter presents an awesome opportunity to invite others who are far from God or have given uinvite-a-friendp on the church to give it another shot.  The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthian church begged Jesus followers to reach out to others.  The truth is, God works through us in bringing people to himself.  We are His ambassadors, IF, we choose to be.

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2 Corinthians 5:14-21

“14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Be An Encourager

Has anyone ever encouraged you?  I hope so. There’s nothing quite like those words coming to our ears that lift us up, that give us hope or confidence.  Several years ago as a nominal Christian going about my daily monotonous life, I had a guy take me out for lunch who told me I could be a leader, that I could make a difference in the church. Wow!  I had never been told that before andEnourage-Someone-Photo-583x465 it blew me away.  “Really? Me?” It’s so true that there are power in our words; power to lift up or power to tear down. And I for one would rather see people lifted up.

One of my favorite verses is Hebrews 3:13, “But encourage one another daily as long as it is called Today.” Life is hard. generic viagra in canada The discount web chemists give is actually their profit that they share with the end users. Activity: Principle segment of Penegra 100mg is known as Sildenafil citrate, can augment the veins that let blood go from the heart to the levitra prescription cost body) and Veins (that carry blood back to your penile and upon stimulation, you will be able to avail a number of discounts here. Consult with relationship consultants If your relation graph is low, it must be taking your happiness throughout the day, levitra properien unica-web.com which is not a good thing anyway. What is a Vasectomy? A uk viagra prices unica-web.com vasectomy is a procedure that blocks sperm from combining along semen. God is good. And encouragement we all need. Who can YOU encourage Today? Don’t be a ‘Debby Downer’ that sucks the life out of others. Be an ENCOURAGER! Because you can make a difference.

Don’t Forget Adley


My wife Deedie talking with Adley

On January 12, 2010 the small Caribbean country of Haiti was hit with a cataclysmic level 7.0 earthquake sixteen miles west of its capital city Port-au-Prince near the city of Léogâne.  The world was shocked as reports came in of an estimated 316,000 dead and over 1 million now homeless.  As the people of Haiti stammered to put their lives back together aid from numerous countries started to pour in.

Two and a half years later Haiti still struggles to get back to normal.  This past month my wife and I traveled to Léogâne to help Samaritan’s Purse with the construction efforts of an orphanage that will eventually house and school 100 children.  Continue reading

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Millions of us have watched and laughed along as Jeff Foxworthy wittingly pokes fun at adults who try to prove their intellectual prowess over school-age children on Fox Network’s game show “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?”  As we play along it seems like it should be an easy enough task to remember the things we learned in grade school, but only two people, Kathy Cox and George Smoot, have been lucky enough to claim the $1,000,000 prize and escaped admitting that they “are not smarter than a 5th grader.”

Games like Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit make my head hurt.  Continue reading

I hate reading the biblical prophets!

Okay, maybe ‘hate’ isn’t the right word, but my MS Word thesaurus didn’t produce any synonyms I thought fit well.  Instead, maybe, I ache or am sickened when I read through the biblical prophets.  Way too many of them took God’s message to His people, quite often a message of repentance, and the people seldom repented.  Jeremiah, who is often referred to as ‘the weeping prophet,’ never saw a single person turn to God, and I think to myself, “What if I’m another Jeremiah?”  Does anyone care about God anymore?  I hate reading the prophets!

  • They followed God, while no one else did.
  • They delivered God’s message, while no one listened.
  • They informed people of God’s righteous decrees, but no one cared.
  • They told people to build God’s Kingdom, but the people toiled to build their own.
  • They warned people of God’s coming judgment, and it’s still coming…

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So has anything changed today?