I love to hunt! When I was in my twenties I spent countless hours hunting. If I wasn’t hunting I was doing something related to hunting. I worked construction, so I would pray for rain days so work would be canceled and I could either spend time walking in the woods scouting new spots or drive to Cabela’s to buy new gear. Whether it was deer, turkey, elk, ducks, or whatever, I loved hunting it. I loved the challenge, the planning, the time alone in the stand, and that rush the moment the arrow left the quiver. Needless to say I was obsessed with hunting. Continue reading
Let’s Finish Strong!
As we close out 2014 there are 3 things we need to remember to do in order to finish strong:
1. Invite! Your friends who don’t know Jesus need Jesus! Everybody goes to church on Christmas. Use it as an opportunity to invite your family and friends to our Christmas Eve-Eve Service next Tuesday night. Grab some of our postcards this Sunday and INVITE!
2. Be generous with your year-end giving! God has done some amazing things this past year in and through Cedar Point, and in 2015 He’s asking us to have an even BIGGER faith. We want to see more people take the step of following Jesus. Let’s not allow finances to keep us from reaching more people with the Good News of Christ!
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I am proud to be the pastor of such a great group of Christ followers! Here’s looking forward to what God has in store for 2015. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Pastor Darin
The One Who Had Come
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through my town, the hustle and bustle could be seen all around. While they shopped ‘til they dropped, with Black Friday flyers in hand, they bought and they bought, as is the law of the land. While the lights were being hung, the holiday cards were going out, and my heart suddenly wondered, “Do they know what Christmas is about?” In the midst of baking, sledding and fun, had they missed the point, of the One who had come? Continue reading
Be An Encourager
Has anyone ever encouraged you? I hope so. There’s nothing quite like those words coming to our ears that lift us up, that give us hope or confidence. Several years ago as a nominal Christian going about my daily monotonous life, I had a guy take me out for lunch who told me I could be a leader, that I could make a difference in the church. Wow! I had never been told that before and it blew me away. “Really? Me?” It’s so true that there are power in our words; power to lift up or power to tear down. And I for one would rather see people lifted up.
One of my favorite verses is Hebrews 3:13, “But encourage one another daily as long as it is called Today.” Life is hard. generic viagra in canada The discount web chemists give is actually their profit that they share with the end users. Activity: Principle segment of Penegra 100mg is known as Sildenafil citrate, can augment the veins that let blood go from the heart to the levitra prescription cost body) and Veins (that carry blood back to your penile and upon stimulation, you will be able to avail a number of discounts here. Consult with relationship consultants If your relation graph is low, it must be taking your happiness throughout the day, levitra properien unica-web.com which is not a good thing anyway. What is a Vasectomy? A uk viagra prices unica-web.com vasectomy is a procedure that blocks sperm from combining along semen. God is good. And encouragement we all need. Who can YOU encourage Today? Don’t be a ‘Debby Downer’ that sucks the life out of others. Be an ENCOURAGER! Because you can make a difference.
Why Quitting Is Not An Option
Have you ever wanted to quit anything? I have, many times. God (and my wife) knows I’ve wanted to, but over my seventeen years of following Christ the “q” word gets harder and harder to say. And here’s why: somebody else will always quit. There will ALWAYS be people who quit at their job, their marriage, their family, their God. But if everyone quits then where does that leave us? Continue reading
A Christmas Verse For Summer
I love Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang. My sister even called me Charlie Brown as a kid. Not so much because I loved the show, but because I had a BIG head. So much for sisters (and luckily I grew into it). But as a kid I’d mark down when the Peanuts’ specials were going to be on TV. Probably my most all-time favorite has to be the Christmas special when Charlie Brown is trying to figure out the meaning of Christmas. After all of his frustration his good friend Linus steps on stage and recites Isaiah 9:6, Continue reading
Like Frederika Locker’s Prime Rib
Matthew 23:27, “You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.”
If you’ve ever had prime rib from the Frederika Locker you know it’s some stinkin’ good meat! To my vegetarian friends it’s like the Engine 2 Diet’s black beans & brown rice extravaganza (another one of my favorites). For those of you who can’t make the connection between the two, and have never had the opportunity to taste their prime rib, let’s just say it’s AWESOME! So a couple weeks ago Deedie and I were able to get away from the reality of having four kids and went out to eat together, alone. I ordered prime rib. When it came it looked good, it smelled good, it was cooked perfectly, but Continue reading
Where Hope Is Found
Renowned poet, Emily Dickinson, once penned:
“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
I believe hope is something that every person wants to have. Hope for a better day. Hope for a better job, a better life. Hope that our children turn out to be good people. But what is the difference between a Christian definition of hope and the way the world uses it?
The word “hope” in everyday English vocabulary is usually different from the idea of certainty. Typically when people use the word hope they mean, “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I hope it happens.”
Then again, when you read the word “hope” in the Bible (like in 1 Peter 1:13—”set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ”), hope is not wishful thinking. Continue reading
Top 3 Lies Christians Believe
The apostle Paul warned his young protégé pastor Timothy
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.” ~2 Timothy 4:3-4
Our world is full of lies. From our governmental officials, to commercials, to our three-year-old kid trying to hide that broken vase, lies are all around us. The world is a master at presenting its counterfeit products as the genuine article. And because Christians are followers of the Truth, you would think we would be more in-tune with sniffing them out.
But many Christians believe many lies. We sometimes don’t even realize that they are lies because we’ve never actually looked them up in God’s word for ourselves. It’s just “the way it’s always been.”
There are hundreds of lies Christians believe, but there are three I have personally seen infiltrate the church, the lives of my friends and family, and even at times my own life. Continue reading
Jesus, Could You Come Back Later?
When Jesus called his first disciples to follow him, they dropped everything and followed. It was a radical decision, but vitally important if they were going to follow the One who gives life. What about you? If Jesus showed up at your door today and called you to follow him, would you leave everything?
Christianity is much more than just head-knowledge, knowing and believing the right things. Following Christ not only includes our head, but also our hands and our heart. If your faith in Christ doesn’t include your hands and your heart then it’s not Christianity. Jesus calls us to a life of commitment and change. He is our priority.
Am I truly willing to have my life transformed by God? Will I allow God to be God, or do I form and shape God into what I want Him to be?
Imagine James or John telling Jesus, “Sure Lord, we’ll follow you. But Continue reading