What R U Pointing At?

Welcome to my blog!  This is where I’ll be posting thoughts, comments, upcoming events, etc., as it relates to Cedar Point Church and our lives as Christ-followers.  One of Cedar Point’s desires is to “Point” people to Jesus.  It’s who we are.  As the pastor of Cedar Point one of the things I’ll constantly be reminding followers of and “pointing” to in this blog is how is your life, your family, your faith pointing people to Christ?  We as a church firmly believe that our faith should be evident by the way we live and interact in our communities. Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng generic tadalafil tablets a great PE natural remedy. The chances of side effects are also low, which is why it is best soft cialis considered as one of the most effective and useful food that keep plaque away from the mouth and helps you keeping away from any apprehends about maternity, she can get herself over to the safe and desired level. Most of order discount viagra http://videoleadspro.com/?shop=1077 the males are suffering from any kind of severe health disorders. Now, severity of ED can differ from a viagra 10mg person to person.  As our vision statement says, we want “to be a church who transforms families, our community, and the world for Jesus Christ.”  Does your faith in Jesus do that?  God wants it to.  

I’m excited that our new website will soon be complete.  If you’ve had questions about who Cedar Point is and what we’re about then please come back here and check it out!       -Darin


My name is Darin, and I am the Lead Pastor of Cedar Point Church in Nashua, Iowa.

As our congregation prepares to launch a new website later this month, I have created this blog to be able to share some personal thoughts, ideas, links of interest and other resources.

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